Why Film

The Doing Something Bigger Than Yourself Feeling
You know what I am talking about. You could do it all by yourself when you have zillions of time and lot’s of practice. But there’s no subsitute for coming together with other skilled people and seeing it coming alive even greater than you could have imagined. It’s a small miracle everytime.

I Like to Fly
I have had several dreams in which I was flying. In a few of them I was aware of dreaming. It feels awsome! I want to direct the camera in such a way that when watching it, it feels like YOU are flying. Creating that really gives me a kick.

Something you ‘ve never thought of before
Every movie needs an intriguing idea. Something that you never considered. Something that is so mind boggeling that it will not leave you for a least a week. Incorporating this novel idea and making people ponder about it, I really love.

Making film as therapy
Creating characters and giving them a credible background, forces me to think about their motives which in turn makes me reflect about my and other peoples motives in everyday live.

The Variety of Challenges
Supporting actors to connect to their character, visualizing the shots, defining the style through casting, locations, clothes, sound, music and edit, makes filmmaking for me challenging on multiple levels.

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